To take a photograph means to recognize, simultaneously and within a fraction of a second‚ both the fact itself and the rigorous organization of visually perceived forms that give it meaning. It is putting one‚ head, one‚ eye, and one‚ heart on the same axis.  - Henri Cartier-Bresson

To take a photograph means to recognize, simultaneously and within a fraction of a second‚ both the fact itself and the rigorous organization of visually perceived forms that give it meaning. It is putting one‚ head, one‚ eye, and one‚ heart on the same axis. 

- Henri Cartier-Bresson

亨利·卡地亞·布列松 / 法國著名的紀實攝影師 / 被譽為20世紀最偉大的攝影家之一 / 現代新聞攝影的創立人

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