目前分類:名言佳句 (141)

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2019-11-21 貝絲·雷維斯名言:What is in our hearts is real whether we name it or let it exist only in darkness or silence. - Beth Revis, Shades of Earth (2) (0)
2019-11-20 德揚·斯托雅諾維奇名言:When magic through nerves and reason passes, imagination, force, and passion will thunder. The portrait of the world is changed. - Dejan Stojanović (1) (0)
2019-11-20 理察·費曼名言:Einstein was a giant. His head was in the clouds, but his feet were on the ground. Those of us who are not so tall have to choose! - Richard Feynman (139) (0)
2019-11-15 羅賓德拉納特·泰戈爾名言:The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal. - Rabindranath Tagore, Stray Birds (38) (0)
2019-11-15 路德維希·維根斯坦名言:Nothing is so difficult as not deceiving oneself. - Ludwig Wittgenstein (222) (0)
2019-11-14 保羅.科爾賀名言:The true lover is the one who realizes that loyalty must go hand in hand with freedom. - Paulo Coelho, Manuscript Found in Accra (106) (0)
2019-11-14 偉恩・戴爾名言:Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change. - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer (123) (0)
2019-11-13 愛默生名言:There are two classes of poets — the poets by education and practice, these we respect; and poets by nature, these we love. - Ralph Waldo Emerson (5) (0)
2019-11-13 約翰·莫里森名言:Knowledge comes by taking things apart, analysis. But wisdom comes by putting things together. - John A. Morrison (1) (0)
2019-11-13 瑪麗·居禮名言:Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. - Marie Curie (23) (0)
2019-11-11 諾曼·文森特·皮爾名言:Change your thoughts and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale (5) (0)
2019-11-11 艾倫·圖靈名言:I believe that at the end of the century the use of words and general educated opinion will have altered so much that one will be able to speak of machines thinking without expecting to be contradicted. - Alan Turing (230) (0)
2019-11-08 湯瑪斯‧莫頓名言:Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. - Thomas Merton (95) (0)
2019-11-06 亨利·朗費羅名言:Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (13) (0)
2019-11-06 羅伯特·海萊恩名言:Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. - Robert A. Heinlein (60) (0)
2019-11-05 丹尼爾·布爾斯廷名言:The courage to imagine the otherwise is our greatest resource, adding color and suspense to all our life. - Daniel J. Boorstin (3) (0)
2019-11-05 約翰·莫里森名言:Knowledge comes by taking things apart, analysis. But wisdom comes by putting things together. - John A. Morrison (2) (0)
2019-11-03 瑪麗·居禮名言:Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less. - Marie Curie (118) (0)
2019-11-02 波諾名言:The world is more malleable than you think, and it's waiting for you to hammer it into shape. - Bono (10) (0)
2019-11-01 E·B·懷特名言:Hang on to your hat. Hang on to your hope. And wind the clock, for tomorrow is another day. - E. B. White (40) (0)
2019-11-01 湯馬斯·華生名言:If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate. - Thomas J. Watson (9) (0)
2019-10-31 卡爾·薩根名言:Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge. - Carl Sagan (395) (0)
2019-10-31 聖若望·亨利·紐曼名言:Growth is the only evidence of life. - John Henry Newman (27) (0)
2019-10-30 德揚·斯托雅諾維奇名言:Everybody talks, but there is no conversation. - Dejan Stojanović (10) (0)
2019-10-30 釋一行禪師名言:Breath is the bridge that connects life to consciousness, the bridge that unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again. - Thích Nhất Hạnh (152) (0)
2019-10-29 亞瑟·艾許名言:Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. - Arthur Ashe (61) (0)
2019-10-29 庫伯勒.羅絲名言佳句:It is difficult to accept death in this society because it is unfamiliar. In spite of the fact that it happens all the time, we never see it. - Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (15) (0)
2019-10-28 賴瑞·柏德名言佳句:You can make all the excuses you want, but if you're not mentally tough and you're not prepared to play every night, you're not going to win. - Larry Bird (1) (0)
2019-10-28 名言佳句:Youth is not a time of life - it is a state of mind. It is not a matter of red cheeks, red lips and supple knees. It is a temper of the will; a quality of the imagination; a vigor of the emotions; it is a freshness of the deep springs of life. - Sa (17) (0)
2019-10-25 強納生·保羅·艾夫名言佳句:It’s a very strange thing for a designer to say, but one of the things that really irritates me in products is when I’m aware of designers wagging their tails in my face. - Jonathan Ive (42) (0)
2019-10-25 拉爾夫·沃爾多·愛默生名言佳句:There are two classes of poets — the poets by education and practice, these we respect; and poets by nature, these we love. - Ralph Waldo Emerson (4) (0)
2019-10-24 貝絲·雷維斯名言佳句:What is in our hearts is real whether we name it or let it exist only in darkness or silence. - Beth Revis, Shades of Earth (0) (0)
2019-10-23 德揚·斯托揚諾維奇名言佳句:When magic through nerves and reason passes, imagination, force, and passion will thunder. The portrait of the world is changed. - Dejan Stojanović (0) (0)
2019-10-22 泰戈爾名言佳句:The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal. - Rabindranath Tagore, Stray Birds (150) (0)
2019-10-22 維根斯坦名言佳句:Nothing is so difficult as not deceiving oneself. - Ludwig Wittgenstein (18) (0)
2019-10-22 名言佳句:Everything is backwards now, like out there is the the real world and this is the dream. - Avatar, Jake Sully (13) (0)
2019-09-19 名言佳句:The true lover is the one who realizes that loyalty must go hand in hand with freedom. - Paulo Coelho, Manuscript Found in Accra (9) (0)
2019-09-18 名言佳句:Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change. - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer (183) (0)
2019-09-17 名言佳句:There is no such thing as a boring project. There are only boring executions. - Irene Etzkorn (12) (0)
2019-09-12 名言佳句:To take a photograph means to recognize, simultaneously and within a fraction of a second‚ both the fact itself and the rigorous organization of visually perceived forms that give it meaning. It is putting one‚ head, one‚ eye, and one‚ heart on the (5) (0)
2019-09-11 名言佳句:Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. - Robert A. Heinlein (78) (0)
2019-09-07 名言佳句:The world is more malleable than you think, and it's waiting for you to hammer it into shape. - Bono (12) (0)
2019-09-05 名言佳句:We turn not older with years but newer every day. - Emily Dickinson (43) (0)
2019-09-05 名言佳句:Hang on to your hat. Hang on to your hope. And wind the clock, for tomorrow is another day. - E. B. White (31) (0)
2019-09-04 名言佳句:Growth is the only evidence of life. - John Henry Newman (28) (0)
2019-09-03 名言佳句:Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge. - Carl Sagan (48) (0)
2019-09-02 名言佳句:Everybody talks, but there is no conversation. - Dejan Stojanović (8) (0)
2019-09-02 名言佳句:Breath is the bridge that connects life to consciousness, the bridge that unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again. - Thích Nhất Hạnh (21) (0)
2019-08-30 名言佳句:Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. - Arthur Ashe (34) (0)
2019-08-29 名言佳句:If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate. - Thomas J. Watson (16) (0)
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